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Cacao cultivation in Sri Lanka: the cooperative Coop-id
The cocoa beans of the Coop-id cooperative grow in the Matale cocoa-growing region in Sri Lanka, where rainforest and mountains meet.

Akesson's cocoa cultivation in Madagascar
From a young age, Bertil Åkesson spent most of his time in Madagascar. The father was a Swedish diplomat and bought his own cocoa plantation there in the 1970s.

Cacao cultivation in Brazil: Åkesson's plantations
ÅKESSON'S makes excellent chocolate; supplies chocolatiers and top chefs worldwide. Here you can learn more about his cocoa cultivation in Brazil.

Cocoa cultivation in Honduras: cocoa beans from Cacao Direct
Cacao Direct from Honduras was founded in 2014 and now exports around 120 tons of high-quality cocoa every year.

Cocoa beans from Tanzania: Kokoa Kamili
Since the founding of Kokoa Kamili in 2013, the founders Simran Bindra and Brian LoBue have been pursuing a central mission: They want more money to reach Tanzanian cocoa farmers - just as much as ...

What is the criticism of the Fairtrade system?
When looking for fairly traded products, many trust in the green and blue seal of the Fairtrade certification system. In the meantime, however, criticism of Fairtrade has increased. Can the system ...