Kakaobohnen für Bean-to-bar Schokolade

Theyo-Tacheles: Bean-to-Bar Chocolate and Women Empowerment

In our 'Theyo Tacheles' posts, we introduce you to concepts and terms that we find particularly important. In this short article we look at bean-to-bar chocolate and women empowerment.

BiodiversitätKakaobohnen werden nach dem fermentieren zum trocknen ausgelegt

What happens during the fermentation of cocoa?

Fermentation is currently on everyone's lips. Here you can find out why cocoa also has to be fermented and what happens in the process...

Herkunft der SchokoladeOmnom Schokolade wird ausgestrichen

Why Zac Efron buys chocolate on his Netflix series Omnom

In his new Netflix series, Zac Efron travels the world in search of healthy and sustainable ways of living. Here you can find out what it's all about and why he's making a stop at Omnom Schokolade.

Bean-to-BarÖko Caribe Gründer Gualberto Acebey Torrejon mit einer Kakaoschote

Öko Caribe: Cocoa beans from the Dominican Republic

Öko Caribe is no longer a newbie in bean-to-bar circles. Well-known chocolate manufacturers have been using the fair organic cocoa beans from the Dominican Republic for a long time.

Herkunft der SchokoladeÖkokakaoanbau in Indien

The best chocolate in India: organic cocoa cultivation in India

Bean to bar chocolate from India? A rare find even for chocolate lovers! We are all the more pleased to be able to introduce Soklet to you.

Bean-to-BarFarm von Krakakoa

Krakakoa: organic cocoa cultivation in Indonesia

Krakakao is chocolate that is 100% Indonesian. And the founders are proud of that! Because their chocolates are award-winning, organic and tree-to-bar. You can find out what that means here!