Wann ist Schokolade vegan? Alles, was ihr über vegane Schokolade wissen müsst!

When is chocolate vegan? Everything you need to know about vegan chocolate!

Are you looking for vegan chocolate? In this we explain when chocolate is vegan, what exciting vegan chocolate options are available and where to buy them!

100% Schokoladehundertprozentige Schokolade

Everything you need to know about 100% chocolate

100% chocolate? What sounds tempting to some sounds like a threat to others. We think: the extremely dark chocolate deserves more attention!

100% Schokoladeleckere hundertprozentige Schokolade

These are your (and our) favorite 100% chocolates

100% chocolate? What sounds tempting to some sounds like a threat to others. We think: the extremely dark chocolate deserves more attention!

Bean-to-Bargold angesprühte Kakaoschote

Why raw chocolate doesn't actually exist

There are many myths and misconceptions about the benefits of raw chocolate. And you've probably heard of the superfood potential. But is raw chocolate really that healthy?