Was ist Kakaofruchtsaft und warum solltet Ihr ihn probieren!?
Meet the Maker

What is cocoa fruit juice and why you should try it!?

When you think of cocoa, what products spring to mind? Probably our favorite first: chocolate. Then maybe cocoa powder, cocoa nibs, cocoa drinks. But do you also know cocoa fruit juice? This delici...

Bean-to-BarUnsere 5 liebsten Konditoren auf Instagram

Our 5 favorite pastry chefs on Instagram

Home office time is also home baking time. Here you can find out which confectioners and pastry chefs are currently inspiring us.

Schokowissen5 Food- und Kochsendungen, die ihr nicht hungrig schauen solltet

5 food and cooking shows you shouldn't watch when you're hungry

Cooking shows and food documentaries are now a dime a dozen. Nevertheless, the day only has 24 hours and the time for Netflix & Co is also limited. That's why we've put together a small, fine l...

Bean-to-BarDie besten Patisserie-blogs, hier: Macarons

The 5 best patisserie blogs and influencers

Are you looking for patisserie inspiration? Or do you love to marvel at the pretty creations just like we do? Then you've come to the right place: we introduce you to 5 great patisserie blogs and i...

ForschungWarum sich über Geschmack tatsächlich streiten lässt

Why you can actually argue about taste

Why do we taste and why do we like what we like? In this article, we talk about everything related to taste!

ForschungDer Tag der Schokolade – Alles Wichtige auf den Punkt gebracht!

Chocolate Day – everything important in a nutshell!

July 7th is Chocolate Day. In this article you will learn everything you need to know about it!