Unsere 5 liebsten Konditoren auf Instagram

Our 5 favorite pastry chefs on Instagram

Home office time is also home baking time. Here you can find out which confectioners and pastry chefs are currently inspiring us.

Bean-to-BarDie besten Patisserie-blogs, hier: Macarons

The 5 best patisserie blogs and influencers

Are you looking for patisserie inspiration? Or do you love to marvel at the pretty creations just like we do? Then you've come to the right place: we introduce you to 5 great patisserie blogs and i...

Bean-to-BarOriginal Beans: Schokolade gegen Klimawandel

Original Beans: chocolate against climate change

Did someone say chocolate?  The whole camp smells like fresh chocolate! A shipment of Originals Beans chocolate has just arrived at Theyo's warehouse and everyone is excited. Because among the...

Bean-to-BarWeinglas mit Weißwein als Pairing für Schokolade

7 myths about red wine and chocolate

There are many myths about wine and chocolate. What is it about them and what do you have to pay attention to when pairing? Find out here!

Bean-to-BarVon den Alpen zu den Anden: unsere Reise zum Ursprung des Kakaos

From the Alps to the Andes: our journey to the origins of cocoa

The motherland of cocoa! For the first time we had the opportunity to travel to Ecuador this summer. For two weeks we were allowed to get to know and love the country and its people.

Bean-to-BarWas ist eigentlich Craft Chocolate?

What actually is craft chocolate?

Craft chocolate, bean-to-bar chocolate, micro-batch, small-batch, handmade chocolate… many terms that ultimately point to the same idea of ​​chocolate production. Which is that? Find out here...