Steuerfreie Geschenke in 2023 für Kunden

Also in 2023 your gifts for customers are simply tax-free!

Tax-free gifts for customers and employees are always a good idea. Here you can find out what to look out for.

Business-GeschenkideenSteuerfreie Geschenke für Mitarbeitende in 2023

Gifts to employees: Your employee gifts will remain tax-free in 2023

Employee gifts are great surprises - and often even tax-free for you as an employer. We explain what needs to be considered and what the maximum limit for tax-free employee gifts is. Happy employee...

Business-GeschenkideenGemeinsamer Abschied von einem Kollegen und einer Kollegin

The best farewell gift for colleagues

Whether in person in the office or digitally via video: an appreciative farewell is important and right for everyone. Ideas for a 'virtual' farewell gift and event can be found here...