Geschenke für Mitarbeitende und Koleginnen im Home Office

Home office gift: The best care package ideas for colleagues

Instead of boring greeting cards, a USB stick or possibly another cup, your colleagues deserve more! A care package as a home office gift is the perfect way to say "thank you".

Business-GeschenkideenSteuerfreie Geschenke für Mitarbeitende in 2023

Gifts to employees: Your employee gifts will remain tax-free in 2023

Employee gifts are great surprises - and often even tax-free for you as an employer. We explain what needs to be considered and what the maximum limit for tax-free employee gifts is. Happy employee...

Business-GeschenkideenNachhaltige Ostergeschenke

3 tips for sustainable employee gifts at Easter

Are you looking for sustainable employee gifts? No problem! We have three ideas that are really good for everyone...

Business-GeschenkideenIdeen für Weihnachtsgeschenke für Mitarbeitende

3 extraordinary Christmas gifts for employees

A Christmas party online? We will show you how the virtual celebration can become a connecting experience despite the distance!

Business-GeschenkideenWeihnachtsgeschenke für Mitarbeitende

The employee gift that everyone really likes

Some love it, others hate it and somehow it affects everyone: the search for the perfect employee gift for Christmas. However, according to studies, this is easier than most people think...

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Five reasons why a chocolate subscription is the perfect gift

Are you fed up with the consumer madness that is associated with many holidays and would you like to make sustainable and longer-lasting gifts? In this blog post we give you five reasons why our ch...