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Ein Wertschätzendes Dankeschön der OAK mit nachhaltiger Theyo Schokolade
OAK hilft Studieninteressierten mit StudyCheck und FernstudiumCheck beim Finden Ihres Traumstudiums und ermöglicht Bildungseinrichtungen eine authentische Angebotspräsentation.
1000 chocolate boxes as a Christmas employee gift from BNP PRE
BNP Paribas Real Estate is one of the leading German and international real estate consultants.
The perfect gift for SumUp customers
SumUp is one of the leading German and international real estate consultants.
How Spotify found an unusual and tasty employee gift
Spotify is the leading digital music service providing access to millions of songs, podcasts and audiobooks. Spotify is a Swedish company with locations around the world and over 170 million active...
A particularly tasty customer gift for Babbel
Babbel was founded in 2007 and is the most successful language learning app worldwide.
Through Theyo, the OSCE had an unusual and tasty giveaway
The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) is the world's largest regional security organization with the aim of maintaining peace.